Kicho is a small background application that modifies the operation of the caps-lock. Normally the caps-lock produces capital letters only. Whenever the caps-lock is active, Kicho allows the shift key to produce lowercase letters. For example, with the caps-lock on in normal operation, you can only produce this:
However, with Kicho running, you can produce this line with the caps-lock active (using the shift key to generate lower case letters):
THIS Is A Line OF text
Kicho consists of two applications. Kicho itself is a small background application that resides in the extensions folder and is automatically launched on startup. Kicho requires only 128k of memory. As an application, Kicho can be quit in tight memory situations and re-launched anytime. To start and stop Kicho, as well as register, use Kicho Control. Kicho Control is an application that resides in the Control Panels folder.
How do I install Kicho?
Drag “Kicho” and “Kicho Control” onto the System Folder icon (not the System Folder window). The Finder will give you a message saying that some items need to be put into special locations; click OK.
Power users may wish to manually drag “Kicho” to the Extensions folder and “Kicho Control” to the Control Panels folder inside the System Folder.
How do I use Kicho?
Kicho will start up automatically in the extensions folder. To stop Kicho (i.e. quit the background application), open Kicho Control and click the [Kicho OFF] button. If Kicho is not running and you wish to start it (for instance, when you first install it), click [Kicho ON]. Alternately, you can select Start Kicho or Stop Kicho from the File menu.
How to Register
There are two primary methods available to you to register Kicho; choose the one that is most convenient:
∑ Register on-line via a web page using a credit card
∑ Use the bundled Register application to register via e-mail, fax, or snail-mail. This method allows you to use a credit card, check/money order, cash (in many currencies), invoice, or First Virtual.
To use the Register Kicho application, double click on its icon in the Finder. Enter your complete name, e-mail address, and postal address in the top section. In the middle section, enter the quantity of single user licenses that you want, or select the corresponding checkbox for either a site or world-wide license (or any combination of the three). If you are feeling generous, or find that Kicho is indispensable to you (and under-priced), feel free to enter a bonus amount as well (we certainly encourage you to do so :-). The total will be computed and displayed in the bottom right above the buttons. In the bottom left section, select the method of payment from the menu and enter the requested information. A wide variety of currencies are accepted, but if you choose to pay by check, it must be drawn in U.S. dollars. This is because of the very high ($15 or more) conversion rate.
Another option is to pay by invoice through a purchasing department. In this case, you should print three copies of the form and give them to the accounts payable people. You might consider highlighting the line that indicates that one copy of the form must be sent with the payment. Because Kagi cannot send out invoices, you must generate the invoice yourself on behalf of TriVectus and handle any necessary paperwork.
If you want to pay via snail-mail (required when not using a credit card or First Virtual) or fax, click on the Print button to print out a registration form. For fax, you may also use the Print button to print directly to a fax modem (see your modem and fax software manuals for details). When paying via snail-mail or fax, make absolutely sure you enter the proper e-mail address, so that your serial number may be sent to you.
If you want to pay with a credit card or First Virtual, you may also register by e-mail. To do so, click on the Copy button to copy the registration information to the Clipboard, then paste the information into a message. Alternatively, use the Save button to save the information to a file, then send the file as an attachment (note that because the file is so small, you do not need to compress it).
E-mail registrations should be sent to:
Fax registrations should be sent to:
+1 510 652-6589
Snail-mail registrations should be sent to:
1442-A Walnut St. #392-OG
Berkeley, CA 94709-1405
E-mail payments take three to four days to process, while fax payments take up to ten days. Snail-mail registrations take up to ten days to be processed after they are received. When your registration is processed, you'll receive an e-mail acknowledgement as well as your assigned serial number. (Again, be sure you supply a valid e-mail address! If you are in doubt about your e-mail address, select the option to receive a postcard receipt so that a serial number can be sent to you via snail-mail).
If you have any questions about the registration process, you should look at Kagi's FAQ.
Changes in version 1.0.1:
• Fixed a bug that prevented Kicho Control from running on volumes other than the startup volume.